12 June 2013

Kiwi Crate craft kits for your kids

 Kiwi crate $10 off referal link. 

Good morning!

While I'm in the midst of blog renewal plans, I stumbled across Kiwi Crate on another blog and wanted to share it with those of you who have a long stretch of days off with your kids this summer.

                  Step 1 - sign up online                         Step 2 - wait for your kit to arrive                      Step 3 -  Create and discover!

I have not received my first kit yet, however the kids are very excited to and have been patiently waiting for the mail to arrive.   Since I have three not-so little ones, I ordered a kit plus the extra materials option.  Hopefully that will be enough to get them started without arguments.

Included with my order was a $10 off link to share with my friends.  So here I am, sharing it with my friends.  :)


07 June 2013

Reviewing the blog and summer plans

I think it's time I set a more consistent and planned out schedule for the blog and it's posts.

Now that summer is upon us here at the homestead, I'll be working out some plans and setting up a schedule of posts so I can not only be more present on the blog, but also more present in my family life.   I don't want to be that person with the camera up to my face the whole time my kids and I are working on something, but I don't want the blog to fall to the wayside either.

So for the next two weeks of June I'll take a small break.   Then I'll be back with our schedule and plan of attack (so to speak)

I'll ask this of my readers, what are you most interested in reading about?   Do you like tutorials best?   Recipes?   Commentary on favorite art supplies?  Etc. 

So for a little while, have a wonderful next few weeks and may all your days be sunny.




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